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Haumerson's Pond Warming House

“I’ve got an idea,” said Steve Mode, in January 2013 as he slid into the front seat of the minibus Craig Roost was driving home from a timberframe workshop in Minnesota. “How about a timberframe building at Haumerson’s Pond?” Instantly Craig began designing it in his head so by the time they got home, it was just a matter of putting it on paper.

Duly inspired, these two project champions wrangled up a committee and asked the Community Foundation to open a designated fund to assist them in fundraising, which we were happy to do. And while the Foundation also awarded a grant to the FRIENDS OF HAUMERSON'S POND to help with the project, the vast majority of the money raised to make this project happen came from individual donors, with a significant amount coming from Fort alumni all across the country who had fond memories of winters at Haumerson’s.

Thanks to some impressive fundraising by Steve – has anyone ever said No to that guy?! – and a lot of volunteer efforts (we love the picture of one of the many volunteer groups admiring their work during a day of building), the Warming House at Haumerson’s Pond opened in 2017. And as impressive as that timberframe building is, what we really love about it are the people it gathers and the sense of community it inspires in the City of Fort Atkinson, WI.

So come on out this Sunday, Feb. 26th for the Friends of Haumerson’s Pond annual meeting and bring a potluck dish to pass, starting at 11 a.m. There’ll be a brief and entertaining business meeting and you can hear what the Friends are up to next!


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