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Carol Liddle

Before her death in the summer of 2003, Fort Atkinson resident Carol Liddle created an estate plan that left a gift to the Fort Atkinson Community Foundation to establish a fund that would support the development of our gardens, parks, trails or walks. Over the next 20 years, grants from her permanent fund have helped provide fencing around the playground in Bicentennial Park, bike trail enhancements, signage at Barrie Park and Haumerson’s Pond, and the concession stand on the youth tackle football fields at Rock River Park. Carol continues to make our community better.

But thanks to Carol, you might be more familiar with her mother’s name - Dorothy Carnes.

During her lifetime and through her estate, Carol, a retired adult services librarian at the Hedberg Public Library, also donated approximately $800,000 to the Jefferson County WI Parks Department in honor of her mother who was a lover of nature and all things outdoors. The County used Carol’s many gifts to help purchase and protect a total of 514 acres around Rose Lake, establishing in 2000 the fabulous Dorothy Carnes Park on the northwest side of City of Fort Atkinson, WI-Government.

The Foundation helped too. We awarded grants to the Jefferson County Parks Department in both 2001 and 2002 to help with the further development of Dorothy Carnes Park. And in 2013 we pitched in again with a smaller grant to help restore the Mason Log Home in Dorothy Carnes Park East.

Today, this unique county park provides year-round recreation for hiking, birding, nature appreciation, picnic, dog walking, cross country skiing, camping, gardening, and more.

We are grateful to have had a donor with a passion, a county parks department willing to work with her, and a community of nature lovers who supported the project both financially and with their hard work.

Shout-out to Christy McThor, Sue Hartwick, and Vicky Moore Merline for sharing their beautiful photos of Dorothy Carnes Park with us!

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