Community Grants
How to Apply for a Community Grant
First review the complete Community Grant Guidelines to see if your project qualifies for a grant.
Applicants must be non-profit, tax-exempt organizations that serve a public purpose. Projects should be for educational, cultural, charitable or benevolent purposes that will benefit and improve the Fort Atkinson community.
Community Grants typically are NOT awarded to support operating or ongoing expenses of organizations.
If after reviewing the complete guidelines you think your organization and project would qualify, please contact Sue Hartwick, FACF Executive Director at (920) 563-3210 or facf@fortfoundation.org to request a grant application.
The Foundation's Board of Directors meets quarterly. Completed grant applications are due:​
March 15th --for the April meeting
June 15th --for the July meeting
Sept. 15th --for the October meeting
Dec. 15th --for the January meeting